Thursday, 19 July 2007

ER Istanbul

...the hospital doors flung open, Decline being rushed into the busy ER on a stretcher carried by two Turkish paramedics, gasping for air, twisting in agony:
"Quick! It's another kebab overdose!"
They hooked her on intravenous diet Coke immediately.
"Give her 20 mg of mash!" "Wait, she might be allergic to it!"
" Try to neutralise the kebab with 100 mg of lager instead! "
" we're losing her, hurry!"
another kebab victim... sigh, sigh...


albeo said...

how could you write this if you were dead?

albeo said...

bored of this one now.
is it possible you don't have a single comment on the Tuscan extravaganza?
c'mon, decline. you know you can do it...